Romans 11:26

I read a passage of the Scripture the other day that puzzled me a little. It is Romans 11:26. What does it mean that all of Israel will be saved? I’d appreciate any help.
Apart from the dispensational truth that one finds in the scripture regarding Israel, especially the references we see in chapters 9-11 of Romans, it is good for us to understand that in a coming day there will be a remnant that will be considered the true Israel that God had in mind.
The Blessed God will deal again with Israel as a nation when the assembly is no longer on earth; however, the salvation of all Israel pertains to the faithful remnant.
The prophet Isaiah mentions the word remnant at least 15 times; I will quote just one here: “Unless Jehovah of hosts had left us a very small remnant…” (Isa. 1:9). Also read Isaiah 10:20-22.
The apostle Paul quotes the above references in Rom 9: 27-28, “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.” So when he comes to chapter 11:26 he has in mind the remnant. Also keep in mind that Paul takes up the subject from God’s divine purpose when he declared in chapter 9:6, “For they are not all Israel which are of Israel.”
I hope this will be of a little help.
Much love in Christ