January 2025

Tablet in someone's hands

Dear Reader

We have now entered a New Year, and the question in everyone’s mind, if not on his lips, is: “What will this year bring?” It is not without reason...

A faint cross in front of sunbeams peeking through clouds

Three Appearings of Christ!

The Past 1. “Once in the end of the world hath He appeared, to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” (Hebrews 9:26). He has thus appeared, and...

A sunbeam shining on a cross on the edge of a cliff


When the Lord Jesus was on earth His disciples expected Him to set up His kingdom and that they would have part with Him in it, but Jesus left them...

The earth as seen from space with flames beneath it appearing to consume the world

This Present Evil World

“In time past ye walked according to the course of this world” (Ephesians 2:2). “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord...

Two hands from one person embracing the hand of another person

Comfort in Trial

Probably most would agree that the primary application of the 94th Psalm is to the sufferings of the Jews in the latter days. Nevertheless, the Psa...

A learge tree in a meadow backlit by the sun

The World's Most Expensive Tree

It was recognized by Guinness as the world’s most expensive tree and cost over $11 million. There was nothing cheap about the Christmas Tree in the...

Person peeking through two stacks of books with binocoulars

Search the Scriptures

Questions Who was the first shepherd? What prophet spoke about a shepherd taking out of the mouth of a lion two legs or a piece of an ear? Which e...

Dear Reader

Pen on a notebook on a table

We lose considerably, both in reading and hearing, by not meditating, thinking, and storing up the truth we may have received and, at the time, felt was applicable to us. The ant is set before us as an example of one who prepares for the winter. We find that God supplies us with provisions for some dreary time that might come, but instead of being like the ant when winter comes, want comes on us “as an armed man.” It is not only the harsh circumstances that feel like a cold winter, but we als...

“I come quickly”

Arm with wristwatch

The coming of the Lord Jesus occupied the minds of the saints of God down through the ages of the Old Testament, God Himself having first made the announcement when He spoke to the serpent in Eden of the seed of the woman who would bruise his head (Genesis 3:15). Among the many prophetic utterances concerning the coming of Messiah is that in Malachi 3, where, after having spoken of the messenger of the LORD who would prepare His way, the prophet writes, “And the Lord, whom ye seek, shall sudd...

“Dead in Sins,” and “Dead to Sin”

A row of wooden coffins

What an amazing difference these two conditions present. Few may be that thought of it, and yet each person is in God’s sight either “dead in sins,” or “dead to sin.” Perhaps my reader has not yet solemnly considered these weighty points and would like to know what Scripture teaches concerning them. “Dead in sins” is the divine estimate of every one of us in our natural condition. (Ephesians 2:1–5). Man, however amiable or virtuous, is spiritually dead. God speaks, but there is no response—ma...

Continuing in Prayer

Woman with her hands together in prayer

God exercises our hearts and our faith by sometimes delaying giving the answers to our prayers. The earnestness of our prayer will be according to the depth of our need and the consciousness that He alone can give the answer. The heart is exercised and kept in dependence, waiting on Him for the reply. Faith is kept alive. Other sources are not looked to when the soul has learned that He alone can do what is needed. God’s mighty power is called on through prayer. Prayer is a fitting expression...

Faith and Confidence of the Godly

An Bible open to the book of Psalms

The seventeenth Psalm is entitled “A Prayer of David,” and in it we have the exercises of the godly man in the midst of the wicked. David speaks to Jehovah of his own integrity and desires to be kept by Him, as the apple of His eye, from the wicked who compass him about. The oppressors of the godly are “the men of the world, which have their portion in this life, and whose belly Thou fillest with Thy hid treasure: they are full of children and leave the rest of their substance to their babes”...

Some Day!

Orange and purple sunrise

Someday upon our raptured sight will dawn The perfect day; Some day will break the bright and cloudless morn When Christ shall say, “Amid the shadows of the desert wide, No longer stay; Arise my love, my fair, my longed-for Bride, And come away.” Someday upon our listening ear will fall His voice of love; Someday He’ll come into the clouds and call His Bride above; With all His own to met Him in the air To see His face....

Instant Access

Cell phone on a desk with 'Hello' on the screen

What marvels the ads for new mobile phones offer! Access—instant access—anywhere, anytime. (Of course, there must be a phone at the other end!) But…instant? One may be able to “call home” from a moving car or plane or while hiking in the woods miles away but try a simple call to an office in the same city! A Real Listener You will often meet the familiar “press one, press two” set of choices, followed by a long and tiresome explanation of what a great company it is, interrupted by a different...

Search the Scriptures

Hand holding a compass in snowy woods

Questions 1. Who is the first woman that went to inquire of the Lord? Which prophet saw a vision of the Lord standing on the altar? 3. How many false witnesses were finally found to accuse the Lord Jesus before the high priest, the scribes, and the elders?

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