Dear Reader

“Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all” (1 Timothy 4:15).
We lose considerably, both in reading and hearing, by not meditating, thinking, and storing up the truth we may have received and, at the time, felt was applicable to us. The ant is set before us as an example of one who prepares for the winter. We find that God supplies us with provisions for some dreary time that might come, but instead of being like the ant when winter comes, want comes on us “as an armed man.” It is not only the harsh circumstances that feel like a cold winter, but we also have no food to strengthen us, to comfort us, and keep us warm, and all because we have been busy with many other things, neglecting to sit at His feet and meditate on His Word.
I believe the soul, when it takes in any truth, ought to say, someday I will need this; let me now see how it fits me and whether I have it from God. In other words, have I made it as much my own as any other material possession I have acquired?
Receiving without pondering only leaves the soul more barren in the end, simply because you will lose your appreciation of anything if you find that it had superficial charm but had no abiding use or benefit to you. A clean animal must be also a ruminating one! Good feeding alone will not do; “chewing the cud” must follow.
Meditate and find the true applicability to yourself of all you hear or learn from the Word of God; what you really learn, you never forget, and it will help you to live for our Lord until He comes.
May the Lord use this issue of Toward the Mark to help you grow and be established as you read it.
Thank you for the encouraging e-mails that we often receive. Please keep praying for the Lord’s blessing on Toward The Mark. Make sure that you visit our website to find many helpful articles.
Yours in our soon-coming Lord,
Emil S. Nashed
Please send your questions and comments to:
Toward The Mark
c/o Wayne Christian Assembly
60 Smith Lane
Wayne, NJ 07470-5354
Attention: Emil S. Nashed