The Eagle at Niagara

A gentleman standing by Niagara Falls saw an eagle swoop down upon a frozen lamb encased in a floating piece of ice. The eagle stood upon it as it was “drifting” on toward the rapids. Every now and again the eagle would proudly lift his head into the air to look around him, as much as to say, “I am ‘drifting’ on toward danger, but I know what I am doing; I will fly away and make good my escape before it is too late.”
When he heard the falls he stopped and spread his powerful wings and leaped for his flight; but alas! alas! while he was feasting on that dead carcass his feet had frozen to its fleece. He leaped and shrieked and beat upon the ice with his wing until the ice, the frozen lamb, and the eagle all went over the falls and down into the chasm and darkness below.
This is a real picture of every one who has begun to live his life, enjoying all that it has to offer without thinking of the eternal destiny ahead, intending to stop before he goes too far. But he is too busy feasting on the carcass of sin until it is too late to repent and turn to Jesus for salvation. And with a fearful cry, “TOO LATE,” he falls into hell where he will be tormented for ever and ever.
The Bible has good news for you. It tells you: “..behold, now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation”. 2 Corinthian 6:2
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”. Acts 16:30, 31.
Do it today before it is too late!