A terrible blizzard was raging over the Northern part of the United States, making more and more difficult the progress of a train that was slowly forcing its way along. Among the passengers was a woman with a child, who was much concerned lest she should not get off at the right station. A gentleman, seeing her anxiety, said, “Do not worry; I know the road well and I will tell you when you come to your station.”
In due course the train stopped at the station before the one at which the woman wanted to get off. “The next station will be yours ma’am,” said the gentleman. Then they went on and in a short time the train stopped again. “Now is your time; get out here,” he said. The woman took up her child and, thanking the gentleman for his kindly interest, left the train during the storm at what was supposed to be the wayside station in the country.
At the next stop, to his surprise and alarm, the brakeman called out the name of the station where the woman wished to get off. “You have already stopped at this station!” called the gentleman to the official. “No sir,” he replied, “something was wrong with the engine and we stopped for a few moments.” “Alas,” cried the passenger, “I have put that woman off in the storm when the train stopped between stations!” Afterwards, they found her with the child in her arms. Both were frozen to death. It was a terrible and tragic consequence of wrong direction being given.
Reader – you should be on your guard against being misdirected for eternity. It is all too solemn to rest on uncertainties with such an important matter as the soul’s salvation at stake, and as to where you will spend eternity – in heaven, or in everlasting fire. It must be one or the other. Thank God, there is no need to depend upon doubtful counsel. In His own sure Word He has himself given the plainest directions as to the way to heaven. The way he indicates is not the way of “doing our best,” or “of observing the golden rule,” or of “trying to do good.”
We are assured at the outset that none of these ways will lead us to God. All have wandered too far away from God for any such directions to help, for “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way,” and only the true Shepherd, our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, who gave His life’s blood for sinners and died and rose again, can save poor, lost, undone and hell-deserving sinners.
The Word of God points to Christ as the ONLY way. He suffered, not as a martyr, but as a sin-bearer making atonement by His blood. Now that He is risen from the dead He is proclaimed to all as the Savior of sinners. The Scripture says, “To Him give all the prophets witness, that through His Name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins” (Acts 10:43). Could words be plainer?
The course of true wisdom is to give heed to the sure directions of the Word of God and thus escape the awful peril of being misdirected. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).