The Man of Sorrows

Part 4
On him who had disowned Thee
Thine eye could look in love-
‘Midst threats and taunts around Thee-
To tears of grace to move.
What words of love and mercy
Flow from those lips of grace,
For followers that desert Thee;
For sinners in disgrace!
The robber learned beside Thee,
Upon the cross of shame-
While taunts and jeers deride Thee-
The savour of Thy Name.
Then, finished all, in meekness
Thou to Thy Father’s hand
(Perfect Thy strength in weakness,)
Thy spirit dost commend.
O Lord! Thy wondrous story
My inmost soul doth move;
I ponder o’er Thy glory-
Thy lonely path of love!
But, O Divine Sojourner
‘Midst man’s unfathomed ill,
Love, that made Thee a mourner,
It is not man’s to tell!
We worship, when we see Thee
In all Thy sorrowing path;
We long soon to be with Thee
Who bore for us the wrath!
Come then, expected Saviour;
Thou Man of Sorrows come!
Almighty, blest Deliverer!
And take us to Thee - home.