The Resurrection of Christ

empty tomb
By: E.S.N.

Dear Reader,

"But now is Christ risen from the dead" (1 Corinthians 15:20).

The Resurrection of Christ was miraculous and perfectly unique. It was God’s great approval to every word that He said on earth, every claim that He made, and above all it was the proof that the death of the Lord was accepted as sufficient atonement for sin.

The Resurrection of Christ is one of the great pillars of the Christian faith. If His Person was not all that the Scriptures claim it to be, His death must have been an immense failure and His resurrection an absolute impossibility. If His death had not satisfied God about the whole question of sin, then again, the resurrection was an impossibility. On the other hand, if His Person was all the Scriptures claim it to be, and His work that which satisfied God about the sin question, then the resurrection was a glorious necessity, the insistent demand of righteousness.

The Resurrection of Christ, is a central point of our faith. First, because it was testified to by men who had every opportunity of seeing and knowing, and whose veracity was tested by the most tremendous trials and severe pressures during their lives and saw it's impact on the world.

Second, because of its future effect. Death is the end of human life and hope; resurrection is the end of death, and the introduction of the raised one into a world where death shall be no more. Christ died and rose again, and it is in virtue of His glorious work that He has become for all His people the resurrection and the life.

Third, because of its present effect, and as JND put it best, "The life of a risen man is not of this world; it has no connection with it. He who possesses this life may pass through the world, and do many things that others do. He eats, works, suffers; but, as to his life and objects, he is not of the world, even as Christ was not of the world. Christ, risen and ascended up on high, is His life. He subdues the flesh, He mortifies it, for in point of fact He is down here, but He does not live in it."

May the Lord use this issue of Toward the Mark to help you grow and be established as you read it. Thank you for your e-mails and notes of encouragement. Please keep us in your prayers.

Yours in our soon-coming Lord,

Emil S. Nashed

Please send your questions and comments to:

Toward The Mark

c/o Wayne Christian Assembly

60 Smith Lane

Wayne, NJ 07470-5354

Attention: Emil S. Nashed

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