Dear Reader

With the New Year upon us, we do well to pause and look backward as well as forward. We need to look back over a road we have trodden and known, and look on to a path as yet unseen and untrodden. Can we not look back to the past year and recall so many experiences of the Lord's gracious dealing with us, so many mercies, so much grace, such compassion and guidance? How good it is to remember the Lord's faithfulness, and to be conscious of the fact that He will always be true to Himself, and to His own promises.
But the Lord of yesterday is the same faithful Lord of today and of tomorrow. With a Lord like this, we can look back on our past year, on our past pilgrimage, with gratitude, and we can look on to what is left to us of our journey through life, with whatever the future may have for us to meet, with confidence in the Lord who can not fail us. He was yesterday what He is now, He is the same today as He was yesterday, He will be the same tomorrow as He was always. "Thou art the same" (Heb. 1:12) is His name.
May this lovely name, with all its wonders, be to us a power and encouragement in our pilgrimage in the New Year.
I would like to acknowledge those faithful ones who have been a source of help and encouragement to me: the Lord knows them and He will reward them. Also, I want to thank all of you dear readers for your overwhelming response to the magazine. I trust that you will enjoy this issue, and please keep praying for the Lord's blessing on Toward the Mark.
Yours in our soon-coming Lord,
Emil Nashed
Please send your questions and comments to:
Toward the Mark
C/O Wayne Christian Assembly
60 Smith Lane
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
Attention: Emil S. Nashed