Dear Reader

Hands typing on a laptop
By: E.S.N.

“And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).

There is nothing the children of God need to judge themselves about so much as not walking in this world with their eyes fixed on Christ. If God has taken you out of the power of darkness, it is to have you up with Christ above. Heaven is now your only place.

Stephen was “full of the Holy Spirit.” Do we Christians think enough of that? The effect of it on Stephen was that he looked up steadfastly into heaven; not just as an expression that he was indwelled by the Spirit, but his soul was brought into what occupies God’s thoughts! If we let the Spirit of God fill us, that will bring our thoughts and hearts, no matter what the circumstances are, into that place where God is showing forth His power in a man in heaven.

The world would take notice of it if it was so in us.

Nothing has let the Christians of these days down spiritually so much as the lack of communion with the living Savior at God’s right hand. I am left here in this world, not just that I may know that I am saved and going to heaven, but rather to walk in communion with Him. Am I doing this?

Stephen gets that same light that was to fall later on Saul of Tarsus. Christ let His glory fall on him. God presented to his soul what enabled him to be perfectly quiet as to the scene of wicked men’s darkness, whence His Son has been cast out.

“Stephen calling upon (or invoking), saying Lord Jesus.” It is a distinct act of worship to the Lord Jesus. Stephen was there in weakness, and he must have the whole expression of the love of the heart of Christ. If you have been walking today with God as one whom He has saved and will have in the glory, you will have seen lots of things in which your need could only be met by communion with the Lord Jesus in heaven.

“Stephen kneeled down.” The collectedness of his spirit is remarkable. What a contrast between human and divine thoughts in a man’s heart! And Stephen, like the Lord, praying, “Lay not this sin to their charge.” He got an answer to his prayer in Saul of Tarsus. Christ is always before God, filling His eyes—are you occupied with Him and favored by the revelation of Him? If you are, He is more than an answer to your circumstances. Keep your eyes on Christ in Heaven.

It is our prayer that the Lord would use the articles for building you up in your most holy faith and help you to be established.

Thank you for your e-mails and notes of encouragement. Please keep praying for the Lord’s blessing on Toward the Mark.

Yours in our soon-coming Lord,

Emil S. Nashed

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Toward The Mark

c/o Wayne Christian Assembly

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Attention: Emil S. Nashed

Next Article: The Name of Jesus

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