Questions and Answers



Since the Bible states that the Lord shall not come until that son of perdition (the antichrist) is revealed, will Christians be on earth with the antichrist or not? (from the questions box of YP conference)


We understand from the scriptures that different individuals will be revealed during the tribulation who will oppose God and His people — particularly this lawless man (2 Th. 2:8) known as the antichrist.

Although in 1 Jn. 2:18, the apostle speaks of many antichrists - those that deny the Lord Jesus Christ came in flesh (see also 2 Jn. 7) - this one exceeds them all by sitting down "in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2 Th. 2:4).

As for us Christians, we will not be in the scene when he acts in such a lawless way (see 1 Th. 1:10 and Rev. 3:10).

We might be still on earth while he is being prepared. Let us be very clear that all Christians will be taken up away from earth when the Lord Jesus comes for us (see 1Th.4:16, 17). No Christian will be left behind to go through the tribulation 1Th.1:10.

After that the Antichrist will revealed for the scene of tribulation.2Th.2:3-12

Yours in Him,

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