Where the Fire Has Been

A group of pioneers were traveling westward by covered wagon. One day they were horrified to see in the distance a long line of smoke and flame stretching for miles across the prairie. The dry grass was on fire, and the inferno was advancing upon them rapidly. The river they had crossed the day before would be of no help as they would not be able to return to it in time. One man, however, knew what to do. He gave the command to set fire to the grass behind them. Then, when the ground had cooled, the whole company moved back upon it. The people watched apprehensively as the blaze roared toward them. A little girl cried out in terror, "Are you sure we won’t be burned up?" The leader replied, "My child, we are absolutely safe, nothing can harm us here, for we are standing on the scorched area where the flames have already done their work."
The fire of God’s holy wrath against sin came down upon Jesus Christ the day He died on the cross. His own words, "It is finished," and His resurrection from the tomb furnish us with infallible proof that He paid the price for our sin in full.
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart, that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be SAVED" (Romans 10:9).
Dear friend, by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ you do not need to be afraid of death and the judgment that will follow. Positionally you are now safely seated "in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2:6), because by faith you have taken refuge in the "burned-over place" of Calvary. The fire of God’s wrath cannot touch you there for He will not demand payment for your sins twice. Let this be your comfort; you are standing in safety "where the fire has been."