The Tree of Life


Part 1

Soon we taste the endless sweetness
Of the Tree of life above;
Taste its own eternal meetness
For the heavenly land we love.

In eternal counsels founded,
Perfect now in fruit divine;
When the last blest trump has sounded,
Fruits of God for ever mine!

Fresh and ever new are hanging
Fruits of life on that blest Tree;
There is stilled each earnest longing,
Satisfied my soul shall be.

Safety, where no foe approaches;
Rest, where toil shall be no more;
Joy, whereon no grief encroaches;
Peace, where strife shall all be o’er -

Various fruits of richest flavor
Offers still the Tree divine;
One itself, the same for ever,
All its various fruits are mine.

Where deceiver ne’er can enter,
Sin-soiled feet have never trod,
Free, our peaceful feet may venture
In the paradise of God;

Drink of life’s perennial river,
Feed on life’s perennial food,
Christ, the fruit of life, and Giver -
Safe through His redeeming blood.

Object of eternal pleasure,
Perfect in Thy work divine!
Lord of glory! Without measure,
Worship, joy, and praise are Thine!

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