Follow Thou Me

Dear Reader,
"Jesus saith unto him … Follow thou me" (John 21:22)
It would seem that the Lord Jesus Christ called young men to follow Him. Many years after His death and resurrection, the apostle Paul mentions His appearing to His disciples and explains that many of them "are alive unto this day." They had been comparatively young when He called them; of course, He knew what He was doing. There was a lifetime of work to be done. There were lessons to learn which fresh young minds could absorb. There were hardships to face which young bodies could endure. How far are we identified with Christ in the world? Are we careful to avoid anything that dishonors Christ? We should be bold for God in such a world as this. We ought to be able to confound every enemy - not with man’s wisdom and intellect, but in the power of the Sprit of God using the Word of God (we should spend more time enjoying it this summer). There must be a sense of dependence for this, and therefore prayers. It is a great privilege to follow the Lord Jesus and to be known as His disciples. For the most part, it was youth He needed; so it is today.
I trust that you will enjoy the great articles in this issue during the summer months. It is our prayer that the Lord would use them for building you up on your most holy faith and help you to be established.
Thank you for your e-mails and notes of encouragement. We love to hear from all of you.
Please keep praying for the Lord’s blessing on Toward the Mark.>
Yours in our soon-coming Lord,
Emil S. Nashed
Please send your questions and comments to:
Toward The Mark
c/o Wayne Christian Assembly
60 Smith Lane
>Wayne, NJ 07470-5354
Attention: Emil S. Nashed