Laying up Treasures in Heaven

What did the Lord Jesus mean by laying up treasures in heaven (Mt. 6:20)? How can I as a young Christian do that? J.H.
Treasure speaks of what is extremely precious and valuable. When we open the scriptures, we find different treasures that occupy the heart (Mt. 6:21). Let’s briefly mention three of them and then discuss treasures in heaven more fully.
- Treasures of Egypt speaks of the world (Heb. 11:26).
- Treasure in a field speaks of the saints of God (Mt. 13: 44).
- Treasure in earthen vessels speaks of the light of the Glory of God (2 Cor. 4:7).
As to treasures in heaven, it seems that has to do with rewards as we are occupied with God’s interests (Mt. 6:1-2, 4-6, 16, etc.). The Lord in His mercy will reward His own according to their faithfulness unto Him in their live, walk, testimony and service (1 Pet. 5:4, 2 Tim. 4:8, Rev. 2:10, etc.).Young Christians have the opportunity to start early in their lives to be devoted to Him and to honor Him in every thing they say and do.
The lesson we can learn from Mt. 6 is that if we are looking to receive our praise and reward from mere men, it is like treasure that can be corrupted or stolen (Mt. 6:20). Just think, men of this world - which is full of corruption (moth and rust) and violence (thieves) - can hinder us from our rewards (Rev 3: 11).
May the Lord help us to understand that we are placed here not to please men nor the brethren, but the Lord.
Much love in Christ,
J. A.