Dear Reader

“But David encouraged himself in the Lord His God” (1 Samuel 30:6)
In one of the darkest hours of David’s history, we find that he “encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”
The days may be difficult, for what used to be the normal way to go to school, college, and work is no longer the same. The fear, anxiety, and uncertainty fills the air, and men who are supposed to be the experts in their field admit that they do not know what to do, neither do they have a solution to what the world and all its nations are going through.
All around may be darkness; but there is light above. The path may be blocked on every hand; yet there are no obstacles on the path of faith.
There may be but little to encourage us in the ways of God. But if we truly wait on Him, we shall have no lack. Our God has made provision that as individuals we should tread the path of communion with Himself as David did in his day of distress. Nothing will justify us if we fail to do so. We may point to excuses on the right hand and on the left. But there is no excuse above. Why? Because there is One appearing there for us—able to save us to the uttermost—even we who are coming to God by Him. He is appearing there for you and I, my dear Christian friend.
Let us go to Him, let us cast all our cares upon Him, let us tell Him all our fears and desires. Let us learn to wait upon Him for direction and not to let the world influence our thinking and entice us to act like them. For we know that our God is the living God, He is the highest God that rules in the kingdom of man. What then can we say, if we are not finding in Him our peace and joy? Despite all that may be going on below, it is our happy privilege to be in constant communion with Him.
We pray that the articles in this issue help to build you up in your most holy faith and encourage you to go on for Him till He comes.
Please keep praying for the Lord’s blessing on Toward the Mark.
Yours in our soon-coming Lord,
Emil S. Nashed
Please send your questions and comments to:
Toward The Mark
c/o Wayne Christian Assembly
60 Smith Lane
Wayne, NJ 07470-5354
Attention: Emil S. Nashed