Things Just Don't Happen
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).
Things just don’t happen to us who love God;
they’re planned by His own dear hand.
Then molded and shaped, and timed by His clock,
Things just don’t happen, they’re planned.
We just don’t guess of the issues of life,
We Christians just rest in our Lord.
We are directed by His Sovereign will,
In the light of His Holy Word.
We who love Jesus are walking in faith,
Not seeing one step that’s ahead.
Not doubting one moment what our lot might be,
But looking to Jesus instead.
We praise our dear Savior for loving us so,
For planning each care of our life,
Then giving us faith to trust Him for all,
The blessings as well as the strife.
Things just don’t happen to us who love God,
To us that have taken our stand,
No matter the lot, the course, or the price,
Things just don’t happen, they’re planned.