Dear Reader

“Cause me to hear Thy loving-kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee” (Psalm 143:8).
There is always great danger of our being mere imitators of other people's faith, of copying their example without their spiritual power, or of adopting their peculiar line of things without their personal communion with the Lord. All this must be carefully guarded against. We especially warn the young Christian against it.
Let us be simple, humble, and real. We may be very small, our sphere very narrow, our path very hidden, but it does not matter in the least, provided we are precisely what grace has made us, occupying the sphere where our blessed Master has set us, and walking the path He has opened before us. It is by no means necessary that we should be great, or prominent, or showy, or noisy in the world. But it is absolutely necessary that we should be real and humble, obedient and dependent. Thus, our God can use us without fear of our becoming proud and boastful, and then, too, we are safe, peaceful, and happy.
Nothing is more delightful to the true Christian, the genuine servant of Christ, than to find himself in that quiet, humble, shady path where self is lost sight of and the precious light of God's countenance is enjoyed. It is there that the thoughts of men are of small account and the sweet approval of Christ is everything to the soul.
May the Lord use this issue to help you to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!
May you reflect Him in your life and walk.
Thanks for your encouraging e-mail that we often receive.
Please keep praying for the Lord’s blessing on Toward The Mark.
Make sure that you visit our Web Site to find many helpful articles.
Yours in our soon-coming Lord,
Emil S. Nashed
Please send your questions and comments to:
Toward The Mark
c/o Wayne Christian Assembly
60 Smith Lane
Wayne, NJ 07470-5354
Attention: Emil S. Nashed