April 2020


Dear Reader

There are two prayers recorded for us in the New Testament that we can safely call the Lord’s prayers, for they were uttered by our blessed Lord. O...

man running

Fears, Cares and Hope!

(Luke 12:4–7,22–44) There are three things the Lord Jesus does in this scripture. First, He removes all fears; Second, He removes all care; and Thi...


Precious Name!

What should we call our Lord Jesus? The name of the Lord Jesus is precious to each believer. But some teach that the Lord Jesus should only be refe...

lady on computer

Name Above Every Name

“Which also we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, communicating spiritual [things] by spiritual [means]...

man walking

“She Hath Done What She Could”

We are all tested by times of difficulty. At the present time many of us are in circumstances that we have never experienced before, in that meetin...

man walking

The Still Small Voice of Judgment

“And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). “For the time is come...

man carrying his child

The Lord in the Boat

At the bidding of their Master, His fishermen-disciples launched forth upon as calm a sea as ever the sun shone upon. They had sent away the multit...

lady on computer

The Coronavirus is Not the Most Dangerous Virus

In a scramble to escape the coronavirus, a couple drove more than 3,400 miles across Canada and then flew another 500 miles deep into the northern...

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Search the Scriptures

Questions Where is the first “Fear not” mentioned in the Bible, and to whom was it said? Where is the first “Fear not” mentioned in the New Testam...

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