January 2020

Man reading

Dear Reader

As we enter a New Year, we do not know what is in store for us. We might live or we might not; we do not know, but the best would be to be translat...

Two ropes tied together

Love and Lordship

There are two distinct relations in which believers may be viewed with reference to the Lord—relations so intimately interwoven that the one may be...

Precious gems

Precious Gems

Let us consider for a little the precious gems of Scripture, taking as our first reference Ezekiel 28:12–19. In this chapter, God is speaking throu...

Road closed signs

Hindrances to Prayer

I have thought that a few plain and simple words on some of the hindrances to prayer may, with the Lord’s blessing, be of some help to you. The inv...

Bible highlighting Psalms

“The Sixty-first Psalm”

Unlike the two previous psalms, the sixty-first does not indicate the circumstances that led to its being written. That it was David’s own experien...

Large blue diamond

How much are you worth?

We visited a museum a few years ago where we saw a rare and beautiful diamond. Sixteen smaller diamonds in a platinum setting surrounded this large...

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Search the Scriptures

Questions Who was the second woman mentioned by name in the Bible? What was Aaron’s wife’s name? Which tribe was the prophetess Anna from?

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