July 2019


Dear Reader

Many of you dear readers have recently graduated from schools, colleges, and universities and may be anxious about the future. I would like to emph...

man running

“The Just Shall Live by Faith”

(Habakkuk 2:4) I want you to notice these words, “The just shall live by faith.” If you want to know what it was for a Jew in those days to live by...

man running

Christ’s Priesthood and Advocacy

Priesthood is that I may behave well; Advocacy is when I do not behave well. Priesthood keeps my heart in constant dependence in my walk—its exerc...


Jacob’s Dream!

In the Scriptures we often find God speaking to men in dreams, even as Elihu said to Job, “For God speaketh…in a dream, in a vision of the night, w...

man walking

Keeping Rank!

When David, God’s anointed, was in rejection and hunted by Saul, there were faithful men who jeopardized their lives for him. Observe what the Spir...

man carrying his child

Grace, Mercy, Peace

This threefold cord is wonderfully strong when each of its strands is woven rightly with the others. The first is doubtless most wonderful of all,...

lady on computer

Is Truth What I Believe?

Hundreds of people sought Abraham Lincoln’s attention. Greed, lust for power, and hunger for the spotlight brought many people to the president. Li...

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Search the Scriptures

Questions What is the name of the mountain where Solomon built the temple? Which king of Judah became a leper when he acted as a priest in the tem...

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