July 2015

planet eart

They are Not of the World

Dear Reader, A true believer in Christ is neither an optimist nor a pessimist, according to the way in which these terms are used amongst men...


Zechariah - Part Three: Chapters 7-11

Zechariah chapters 7 and 8   Most prominent phrase: "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts." The Third Message: The visions outlined in chapters 3 to 6 ha...

foot steps

The Son of God in Humanity

One of the challenging concepts of the Christian faith is the absolute humanity and deity of Jesus Christ. It is of utmost importance when cons...

lady looking upwards

The Single Eye

Psalm 27   The Twenty-seventh Psalm very blessedly presents the experiences of a believer who, amidst all his trials, looks to the Lord with en...

two girls

But If I Sin... Then What?

1 John 2:1 The question often arises in the minds of the Lord’s people, especially of those who are young in the faith, "What is to be done i...


Search the Scriptures

Questions What is the shortest verse in the Old Testament? What godly priest had a wife named Jehosheba? Which gospel mentions that the Lord Jesus...


"Marry in the Lord"

What does it means to "marry in the Lord"?(1Corinthians 7:39b) JCL, USA A. This question raises a most important principle found throughout this e...

narrow path

All Truth is Narrow

Truth is always narrow-always. Not just some of it. All of it. Mathematical Truth Let me illustrate it this way: "Two plus two equals four." Now, s...

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