Look up!

"If the outlook be dark, try the uplook."
Good advice this is for the sad and the sorrowful in a day of difficulty.
We look around and see the effects of sin on every hand; suffering and trial are known by those who love the Lord, even as by others who love Him not. Looking forward, there seems no way of deliverance.
"Broken, lies creation,
Shaken, earth's foundation,
Anchorless, each nation."
Little wonder is it if men's hearts are "failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth." That which seemed sure and stable is tottering to its fall. The day when all things shall be shaken appears to have reached its dawn.Disruption of kingdoms, disturbance of republics, discontent among the peoples on every side. Where shall the Christian turn? He seems walled around with difficulties. His "flesh" and his "heart" fail. At such seasons of perplexity he is happy truly in being among the children of God, for of them it is written, "His children shall have a place of refuge." Yes, "God Himself is a refuge for us." "Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him" (Psalm 62:8). There is our resource! "The devil can wall us round; he cannot roof us in," it has been said quaintly by one, and another has put it:
"If you want to be distracted - look around
If you want to be miserable - look within
If you want to be happy - look up."
"The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patience of Christ" (2 Thessalonians 3:5).
He is love, He has loved us, He is loving us, He will love us. In a coming hour we shall read clearly all that which tear blinded eyes could not discern.
"We cannot always trace the way
where Thou, our gracious God, dost move;
But we can always surely say,
that 'God is love.'"