The Matter of the Heart!


"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvelous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well." Psalm139:14

Zoologists have recorded an amazing 20,000 species of fish. Each of these species has two-chambered heart that pumps cold blood throughout its cold body.

There are 6,000 species of reptiles .they also have cold blood, but there is three-chambered heart (except the crocodile, which has four).

The 1,000 or so different amphibians (frogs, toads, and newts) have cold blood and a three- chambered heart.

There are over 9,000 species of birds. From the massive Andean condor with its wingspan of 12 feet to the tiny humming bird (whose heart beats 1,400 times a minute) each of those 9,000 species has four-chambered heart (left and right atrium, left and right ventricle)- just like humans.

Of course, the 15,000 species of mammals also have a pumping, four -chambered, which faithfully pumps blood throughout a series of intricate blood vessels to the rest of the body.

Here are some interesting questions for those who have embraced Darwinian evolution.

- Did the heart in all these different species of fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals evolve before there were blood vessels through their bodies?

- When did the blood evolve? Was it before the vessels evolved or after they evolved? If it was before, what was it that carried the blood to the heart, if there were no vessels?

- Did the heart beat before the blood evolved? Why was it beating if there was no blood to pump? If it wasn’t beating, when did it start when it didn’t know anything about blood?

- If the blood vessels evolved before there was blood, why did they evolve if there was no such thing as blood?

- And if the blood evolved before the heart evolved, what was it that kept it circulating around the body?

Scientist Brad Harrub sums it up well: the final hurdle that evolutionists have not (and cannot) over-come involves the co- dependence of the respiratory system and the circulatory system. The heart muscle requires oxygenated blood to remain alive. The respiratory system depends on the circulating blood to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. So which came first, and how was it able to function properly without the other? Evolution may continue to be taught as a "fact" in the classroom, but it has yet to answer such basic life- dependency questions as these.

The only reasonable answer to these questions is that God made the human body (and the bodies of all the other creatures) with a heart, lungs, (to oxygenated the blood,) kidneys (to filter waters from the blood), blood vessels, arteries, blood, skin (to hold it all in), etc., at one moment in time, as the Bible states.

"Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about…Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews. Thou hast granted me life and favor, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit." Job10:8, 11, 12

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